Time Flies...
"An hour spent with an attractive woman on your lap feels like a mere five minutes. Five minutes spent sitting on a hot stove feels more like an hour." Albert Einstein.
So now I have a smidgeon over six weeks to go before I head for Indiana! That's the hot-stove part of the whole story - the next part will come when I spend three weeks there and it feels like - five minutes!
There's much to do, but plenty of time to get it all organized. As yet I've no idea when I'll be making my presence felt in some of Indy's indi bookstores, but I hope to see some of you there when I do.
By then I should also have some idea of when my next novel - Mr. Grey and the Spirit from the Sky will be published by Liquid Silver Books, and if Loose Id accepts my major novel Shadows of Paris.
As always, stay tuned for details!