The Way through the Words
Occasional ramblings from author A J Matthews
Friday, January 03, 2025
Friday, November 01, 2024
National Author Day
Links to my books are in the previous post.
And also - for those in the US -
Happy Half-Price Candy Day!
Friday, September 27, 2024
Where to buy the Veronica Nash series
Due to restructuring at eXtasy Books to meet the needs of the current market they will no longer sell books directly at their site. You can find the Veronica Nash series at these locations...
Monday, September 16, 2024
A House fit for Heroines.
Researching a book's always fun. I'm looking at places my characters would live in. This fun Art Deco house is located in Hamilton, New Zealand. It'd suit Veronica Nash and her partner Claire Sibfield-Murray right down to the ground.
The manuscript of the ninth Veronica Nash murder-mystery is almost complete. Like every manuscript in existence an author has to decide it's time to stop tinkering with it and send it out the door.
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Works in Progress...
Often don't progress.
I'm a Plotter. Writing murder-mysteries practically requires it. I have to know whodunnit, why, where, how, and when. It's not the kind of thing IMO that can be done using the Pantsing method without needing a lot of refining, head-scratching and rubbing out in many subsequent drafts.
I write an outline before I start on any Veronica Nash story, filling in details as they occur to me. The process can take weeks, sometimes months, but I think it's worth it as it makes writing the manuscript that much easier.
That's not to say plotting out a story beforehand is foolproof.
For my current manuscript I wrote an outline as usual then set to work. It pootled along quite nicely for the opening chapters then hit a snag. The characters were going places and doing things that jarred with what I had in mind. Fixing it required a lot of thought - often subconsciously - and a bit of time. I let it be over the holidays then returned to it afresh.
And that's when I saw the problem was in the outline, not the manuscript. By rearranging where the principal characters are and what they're doing I overcame the stoppage (Writing is similar to plumbing: Discuss). Once that was solved everything began to flow again.
Sunday, November 06, 2022
Death on the Rocks ~ Out now!
Death drops in...
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Death on the Rocks ~ Coming soon!
Death on the Rocks ~ Book #8 in the Veronica Nash murder-mysteries - will be released on October 21st!